Well, after all of the summer rains, along comes Matthew and dumps on us all the way up the state ... as if we needed more water.
So now many of the stand-alone lakes are so full that many have overflowed the ramps, needing a 4-wheel drive to back a boat in and don't even think about turning it off until after you pull back out, or you will ruin your vehicle's engine. The Winter Haven Chain is so full that it makes it difficult to go between the lakes through the canals because the water is high enough that you can't get under the bridges. And the Kissimmee Chain is so full that you would think that the bass are already bedding because they are back up in what used to be the shallows.
Doesn't much matter what you throw because the bass are hitting most everything, from frogs and buzz-type baits (like the new Double Plopper by River 2 Sea) first thing in the morning to swimbaits, flukes, worms, jigs, etc. for the rest of the day. In the tournaments, it as been taking around 30lbs to win them.
It is my understanding that Okeechobee is experiencing the same thing and that there has been so much water released out into the ocean that the saltwater guides are having to go many more miles out to sea to catch anything. Also, several of the tarpon and snook have come all the way into Okeechobee and are thriving quite well and can be caught.
Some calls and email inquiries are starting to come in as we close in on the election. I, for one, will be so glad when it is over. I don't think I have ever experienced such a messed up campaign as I have this year. We should all be praying for this country, no matter what the outcome is.
Also, we need to be praying for all those who were devastated by hurricane Matthew and for those who are trying to assist and repair the damages. My wife's boss is going on a mission trip to Haiti next month, as I am sure they will be welcomed and be a blessing to the people of Haiti.